Spruce Wild Black Essential Oil
(Picea alba)
A middle note with a medium aroma, Spruce Essential Oil has a wonderful balsamic scent that is sweet with light fruity notes and smells just like the tree.
Found in these Essential Tonic Blends:
Therapeutic Properties:
anthelmintic, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, insect deterrent, pectoral
Therapeutic Uses:
bronchial infection, catarrh, sinus congestion, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, overexercised muscles, stiff joints, muscular strain, tendonitis, cellulite
Blends well with...
bay laurel, camphor (white), cedarwood, chamomile german, cypress, geranium, lavandin, lavender, lavender (spike), lemon, niaouli, orange (sweet), peppermint, pine, ravintsara, rosemary, spearmint, tea tree, thyme linalol, yarrow
Precautionary advice:
May cause irritation on highly sensitive skins; a skin patch test is advisable. Best avoided during pregnancy.